6/28/11 Lulu saved from evil pinecones

Lulu, one of our favorite white-faced capuchins, was visited by her arch-nemesis once again: the pinecone. She is deathly afraid these awful objects and will "bark" until someone removes it from her sight. Intern Mer rescued this damsel in distress and got a long stick to remove it from her habitat. Once Lulu saw Mer stomp on the pinecone and throw it far away, she was at ease and even started flirting with Mer with her wheeze dance. The video attached is of Lulu's first reaction to the pinecone- it is so short because Stinky decided he wants to be a photographer and tried to steal the camera!


  1. Haha...I'm so glad someone finally got this on video! She is so funny, who knew that a monkey could be so worried about a pine cone! Lulu is a very special girl, that is all I can say! It's funny because, I've actually seen Stinky sometimes get rid of the pine cone for Lulu. I guess today she wanted to be a spectator along with ya'll!

  2. Good save for Lulu! Hopefully she won't have to stress about any killer pine cones for awhile. Although, you can never be too careful with pine cones.

  3. Destroying the pine cones also gets the surrounding monkeys excited, so it's like they're cheering and screaming for Lulu as well. :)

  4. I personally dug up and replanted most of the pine trees at Jungle Friends, not knowing the 'killer pine cones' would stalk poor Lulu!

  5. thank goodness for brave interns that can come in and help Lulu in her time of great need :)
