6/24/11 The Mission

Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary provides permanent, high-quality sanctuary care for abused or unwanted New World primates from around the United States who have been cast-off from the pet trade, retired from research, or confiscated by authorities.
While our immediate and urgent responsibility is to provide the best possible life for the monkeys we are able to house at our sanctuary, our mission is not only to assist these individual primates, but to also engage the interest and support of our national (and international) community in doing so. Every monkey successfully released from laboratory research, or rescued from a life of abuse or neglect as a "pet", an "entertainer" or a "breeder", becomes a part of our message that these beings are worthy of our efforts and must be included in our moral universe.
By taking action to assist individual non-human primates in need, and by reaching out to other human primates through our communications, presentations and the Internet, we attempt to encourage, inspire and, wherever possible, assist others in taking specific actions for the good of their fellow primates and for a more compassionate world.


  1. More monkey bios!

  2. Our mission in a nutshell, is to create a wonderful life for the monkeys who call Jungle Friends home, while saying to the world that all species are important! Don't harm animals, don't mistreat them, don't eat them, don't wear them, well, you get the picture!
