Monkey Trade - the poem

As most of you know we have had two babies born by the monkeys from the Texas rescue. Although it is unfortunate that these babies were born behind bars, the bond between mother and baby will never be broken.

Elizabeth and Michelle, the two mothers, originally came from a breeding situation where their babies were stolen from them. Finally they get to keep the strong bond with their baby and never lose that love again.

One supporter wrote a heartfelt poem,  Monkey Trade, and we want to share it with you.

Monkey Trade
Emerge into the air and light
Everything's a blur
A loving touch
Arms cradle me
I'm finally meeting her
Skin to skin, a warm caress
We complete each other
I breathe the air, and fill with love
So this must be my mother 
She holds me close, where I belong
And this is where I'll stay.
A rough hand pulls,
Angel, PLEASE don't go away!
A shattered heart
A broken bond
Babe born for them to sell
Panicked pain
A helpless shriek
Back to an iron cage in hell
I long for her within these bars
Terror strips me to the bone
It's dark and cold
My mother's gone
I'm painfully alone
My sweet baby, come and gone
My child's not my own
Bars again envelop me
I'm painfully alone
Monkey Trade, c. 2011 Julie Nora

Watch Broken Bonds to witness a mother in labor, giving birth, and then nursing her baby.


  1. Beautiful poem.


  2. This poem is so haunting. I hope you don't mind that I posted it to my blog, Chimp Trainer's Daughter. Everyone who cares about primates in captivity needs to read this.
    -- Dawn

  3. Thank you Dawn, please post it everywhere, we want to spread the word.
