Happy Independence Day!

 Kari, the apprentices, and interns before dinner

The Jungle Friends caregivers (even our token Brit, Vicky!) stepped out of the sanctuary for a few hours to celebrate America's independence. After all of the monkeys were fed and happy and the sanctuary was clean, we headed to Kari's friend Vivian's house in Alachua. We brought a vegan barbecue complete with baked beans, fruit salad, and brownies to enjoy on the lawn. At about 9pm, we walked up to a little spot on the hill, laid out our blankets, and celebrated being American! The fireworks were spectacular; watch them on the video below!

Interns Jordon, Mer, Becky, and Brittany

Nick, Vicky, Jordon, Mer, Becky, and Brittany getting ready to watch the fireworks


  1. Sorry I couldn't be in two places at once! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  2. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's already been a year since I was there for that! Looks like ya'll have quite the crew :D

  3. Wish I could have been there, but at least I saw it last year

  4. What a great looking group of animal advocates! You were missed Claude, but thank you for making all the great vegan food!

  5. Thanks again to Vivian for letting us picnic at her place! A great hostess!

  6. Vicky, you look marvelous in that t-shirt with the American flag!

  7. happy 4th of July. Looks like a great time!
