Patch is in Labor!

So, I pull up to Jungle Friends to volunteer for the next couple days, and the first thing I hear is Patch is in labor! Lucky me, I think to myself, I finally get to witness this first hand! The girls discovered her in labor when they were doing morning checks and she is still in the process now.Who knows how long she has been in labor either! Poor thing...

If I were her I would be tired and ready to give up, but no she is a little trooper.  She is still catching bugs, foraging, climbing about, but of course stopping for her contractions. It just simply amazes me.  Here is a video of her just 'hanging out' while she is in labor:

The other mothers check up on her every once in a while. It's really cute and sweet. They will groom her or just come over for reassurance. Below is a picture of Elizabeth, the newest mother, and her baby checking in on Patch.

Mimi and Kari have been keeping a close watch during the whole process, and there will be plenty more pictures and videos to come of the babies arrival! We are all hoping for a safe and healthy baby! Stay tuned!!

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